Junk mail, it's like spam only more irritating. It seems like everyday I get it. It's really annoying when it's not marked. You think its important, only to find a credit card offer or some stupid "opportunity". Around 10% of Identity theft occurs throw the mail, because its not disposed of properly Junk mailers should get together and send out shredders to everyone. Silly but a effort that would help us all. There are three main shredders, the line strip, the cross cut, and the diamond cut which is used for accounting firms and meet standards for the department of defense and provides a higher level of security. But in the end it doesn't really matter at least it getting shredded A shredder is just one tool that helps to stop Identity thefts. We usually get our Identities stolen by our own negligence. Its the sad truth but we must face it.
One solution is to try and get off the mailing list. Some of the junk mail contains words like "remove me from the mailing list" ( I think the one I found was in a capital one offer, one that they sent me every week for years). Call that number and request to get off it. It usually takes a couple of months to get off the list but it's a relief when it happens, if you can't find that take a look at this. http://www.usps.com/postalinspectors/fraud/GetOffMailingLists.htm:%$gt;
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