Anorexia is one of the main eating disorders that affects a large number of people both in the USA and in Europe. The other main eating disorder is bulimia.

Anorexia is very dangerous because those that are affected by it intentionally starve themselves due to an obsessive fear of becoming fat. If the body does not get the vital substances found in food then it has a lot to suffer, and eventually death through starvation can occur.

Anorexia is caused mainly by the modern view of beauty. In our times it is believed that thin is beautiful, and fat is ugly, which causes a lot of young girls to wish to become thin. This wish can turn into an obsession that makes the girls or young women to have a distorted image of their own bodies and consider themselves fat even when they are too thin. This is dangerous because it makes these girls intentionally starve themselves in order not to gain weight.

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Unfortunately, some people have a pro-anorexia attitude and encourage those with anorexia is their obsession. There are quite a few groups and forums where the anorexics discuss their problems and encourage each other. This pro-anorexia attitude contradicts the medical beliefs that anorexia is a disease. There also are a lot of pro-anorexia websites where anorexia is encouraged.
These websites and support groups state that anorexia is a modern lifestyle, that encourages diets and weight loss. Through these sites anorexics can meet other people like them that encourage and support this attitude. Some of them even mock those that state that anorexia is an illness that needs to be treated.

Let us look at what can happen to hose that choose to be anorexic for a long period of time:

-they will be very depressed and have a poor memory because their brain chemistry will change if the brain does not receive its vital substances from food
-their thoughts will be clouded by their physical weakness and hunger
-their hair will become thin and in some cases they may start to lose it
-their blood pressure will lower which endangers the heart and can cause heart failure
-their bones will weaken from the lack of calcium that can be found in certain foods
-they are at risk to develop kidney stones
-the women will lose their period which will ruin the fragile balance of the hormones
-the skin will get dry an yellow
-the final result of anorexia is death through starvation

So how can a pro-anorexia attitude be encouraged$%: it's like encouraging a slow and painful suicide. Those with anorexia need immediate treatment to restore the natural balance of their bodies.


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